sometimes things in life just come together. photography, for me, is apparently one of those things. i've been hired for two more shoots and commissioned for a small architectural series. just out of thin air. i'm both delighted and surprised by these jobs though. i can't explain it. it's not like i'm advertising, (or even handing out business cards). it's just a few people who found my site, liked my work, and told their friends.
in other news, i really kind of desperately need to get my breaks fixed. this squeak-squealing thing is unpleasant.
i also get to pick up my new phone this week, probably tomorrow. my current cell was supposed to be just a temporary fix, a few weeks tops. but that turned into almost two years. it's basically a paperweight that makes calls (sometimes). i'm looking forward to some modicum of reliability, (also a phone i'm not mortified to take out in public).
tomorrow should be busy. i'm hiking with friends out to an abandoned water-treatment plant in the morning, (for photos). it should be excellent. the place is all overgrown and covered in graffiti. the old cistern walls are crumbling and the buildings are leaning (if they're still standing at all). then in the afternoon, there's an amnesty international rally for darfur refugees. i promised to document it for a local temple that's participating.
last thing, i really don't believe kerviel could have taken $7billion from SocGen on his own. he's not savvy enough. i certainly don't believe the guy made those bids to offset huge gains he'd made previously and still took exactly nothing for his personal benefit. it's stealing money to put it back. it defies logic. honestly, i think the poor guy's been framed.
The Marketing Questioned
6 years ago