Wednesday, August 29, 2007

market reports

trinity, originally uploaded by getawayplans.

Distractability is at an all-time high and climbing with no foreseeable signs of a slow-down. Market indicators point to rising forgetfulness and decreased overall reliability pushing the trend forward at least into next week. Last Sunday's report on the instability of the Extended Family markets, although surprisingly bleak, was largely expected and it's impact was minor on most fronts. It did, however, fuel a rally from the small Let's-Move-to-New-York-Now fringe group. The groups fervor was assuaged quickly by a reaction launched through Logic and Reality execs. The fringe group did, however, bring attention to the relatively ignored increase in both music and literature consumption. Generally considered positive market factors, their increase in conjunction with the rising distractability and instability of related markets has some investors puzzled. Similar situations in the past have indicated sharp turn-downs that have sent investors scrambling to cut their losses. But the hopeful index has performed surprisingly well recently, up several points from last month. Combined with the unexpectedly positive Overall Outlook report, investors seem to be holding on. The bureau of work is reporting increased output on all fronts. But their report released Monday indicates they feel this is a temporary issue and output should stabilize again shortly. Experts continue to report that things are "pretty good" adding, after a moment, an emphatic, "honestly they are". They point to the recent New Stuff acquisitions to support their claim.
Investors seem to agree, "Even with the recent statistics, it's still acting like a PeachyKeen market" reported a specialist from PlanningTheWeek Inc. "Things could change quickly though", our source conceded, "if caffeine consumption doesn't increase dramatically over the next 15 minutes". An outside source reports that fresh caffeine sources have just been imported. Crisis averted.

In an unrelated issue, the sleep department has reported a sharp increase in wonky dreams, including two reports of lucid dreams in as many months. The department is unsure of the cause but "hope the trend continues".

Finally, sources indicate that the FirstPhotoGig project has finally completed. Reports of the final success of the project aren't expected until Thursday, but early indicators seem extremely positive.

Friday, August 17, 2007

unlikely collection

unlikely collection, originally uploaded by getawayplans.

Wandering around the exterior of an abandoned building in Kirkwood, I found this little gem. This...can not be a coincidence. Someone put effort into this endevour! Someone thought this would be a good idea and a productive pursuit. Someone really should consider less meth next time.
Also, there's a confusingly useless bathroom somewhere in Atlanta. Beware!
Anyway, I got a good laugh from it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

worn and broken

worn and broken, originally uploaded by getawayplans.

Summers were once bike rides together into the woods, along the trail up to the creek. Then park, jump to the opposit bank, and spend the rest of the afternoon playing tag and GI Joe under the cool canopy. We'd come home for dinner with dirty hands and scraped knees and scruffy sneakers.

More than a decade's passed since the last Cops'n'Robbers summer. Those woods were bulldozed to make way for an expensive neighborhood and the creek's been diverted at the source. He's replaced his worn sneakers with equally worn boots and all the other trappings of reluctant adulthood. Everything's changed, but it's not so different, really. He's still my kid brother.
Today was his first appearance in court. From here on in, things will pick up speed, kinetic energy and an overworked judicial system will drive it forward. He's my kid brother, but all we can do is try to hold off the impending panic.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

bars on bars

bars on bars, originally uploaded by getawayplans.

Something good- I did my first photo shoot recently.
Something better- I was just asked to do another (for a different group!).
So now, all told, I have 3 shoots in the works, (2 with non profits and one with a local band).

Alright, yes, I'm shooting all of these basically for free. But it's somthing! It's baby steps. Everyone has to start somewhere and I'm really liking the view from here so far.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


1984, originally uploaded by getawayplans.

I must have made this playlist without actually looking at the tracks. There's no continuity but I like it. Half of it seems to be in French. Je l'aime.

The tracks in the photo criscross my Atlanta. We were a railroad town once, (and currently), built solely for trains and transport. Our first name was Terminus, the point where tracks converged; ended. The old tracks are still in use, a kind of moving embroidery lacing the map. The ubiquitous rumble-clack of moving boxcars is just the sound of my city breathing, steady, strong. Through war and social upheaval, economic hardship and incredible loss, our ground's become accustomed to the constant sound. Train whistles lull me to sleep each night, remind me that this city is strong still after all these years and will remain so. And something of that has become important recently. I have lived in and around this town nearly all of my life but only recently has it become a part of me.